Physiotherapy (physical therapy) is a method of treatment using means of physical culture for therapeutic and preventive purpose to restore the health and disability of the patient, prevention of complications and consequences of the pathological process. The procedure of medical gymnastics, conduct group littlegroup method and individually, daily, throughout the course of treatment. Duration of procedure of 30 min.
The procedure is effective in the absence, weakening or change of functions resulting from disease or its complications; the positive dynamics in the patient's condition on the totality of clinical and functional data; the improvement of health, reduction of frequency and intensity of pain attacks, improving functional data and clinical laboratory tests.
Therapeutic massage is a set of methods of mechanical and reflex effects on the muscles, tissues, organs vibration, pressure, friction. Sessions are held in specially equipped beds. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the duration is chosen individually. The massage is performed daily or every other day, the course includes 8-10 procedures. The therapeutic effects of massage improve overall health; the weakening or cessation of the pain in the massaged parts of the body.